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    Dog Scared Of Vet? Here’s How To Help…

    Dog Scared Of Vet? Here’s How To Help…


    Estimated Read Time: 5 ½ minutes

    Summary: “My dog hates the vet!” Fear not, pet parent! In this blog, learn why some dogs can be scared of the vet, how often you should take a dog to the vet and how to help foster a stress-free vet visit with your pooch…

    Why Are Dogs Scared Of The Vet?

    Does your dog pant excessively, shake, whine, try to hide or pull away on their leash when you approach the vets with them? Some doggies can experience fear anxiety of the vets - the same way some humans do of dentists or hospitals! 

    This is usually due to a negative association they’ve made with the vets… This may be a pain they experienced when there, feeling unwell when there, the car journey there or perhaps just meeting lots of scary strangers.

    However, regardless of why your dog decided they are scared of the veterinarian’s surgery, they must continue to visit the vet for their routine check-ups and essential vaccinations. So, how can we help them feel a bit more at ease on attending their health appointments…?

    A black Pug with a white chest sits on the floor with a plastic medical cone around its neck and head

    Dog Scared Of The Vet? Here’s How To Help…

    Get Them Used To Being Touched

    From an early age, try to get them used to movements a vet would make - like lifting their tail, feeling their paws and around their nails, placing two hands around their belly etc. If your pup can be familiar with these movements from you, the likelihood is they won’t react adversely when a vet does the same.

    Stay Calm Yourself

    If you’re anxious about your dog’s vet visit, a dog can pick up on your tension and respond in accordance with it. If you’re calm and positive, and keep to their routine as much as possible on the day of the appointment, this will help your dog stay soothed. 

    Resist Petting Them

    Affection via petting is perceived as a reward by a dog, so if you attempt to soothe their nerves with petting, they’ll learn that this behaviour gives them a positive outcome so may adopt it to ensure that happening! Save rewarding them with fuss, attention and treats for after their appointment!

    Take Them For A Test Visit

    Take your dog to the vet’s surgery the day before their appointment and simply let them have a sniff and meet the reception staff. Perhaps they could be weighed by the staff, and offer them lots of treats so your dog learns the vet is a positive place to go! This might help them relax on your follow-up visit when their actual appointment takes place. The same goes for travelling there - if your dog doesn’t often go in the car, get them used to going a bit more before their appointment. Remember to secure your dog in the car in a safe way before embarking on any journey

    Be Organised And Efficient

    Keep the appointment as concise as possible. In advance of the appointment, make sure you’ve made a list of symptoms, concerns and questions you want to ask your vet so you can make your pet’s experience as thorough as it needs to be in a concise, efficient way. Try not to be shy yourself at the vet’s - ask questions and ask for demonstrations of care and medicine administration. Your vet wants to help you and reduce your need to return too!

    Calming Surroundings

    Pack your pet’s favourite toy in the car with them for their journey to the vet. You can also use known calming, dog-friendly scents on a towel or pillow to place in the car with your pet too like lavender, geranium or chamomile. These can help both you and your pet feel calmer.

    Doggy Calming Aids

    You can ask your vet about ingested calming aids for dogs that may help your pup feel a bit more zen before attending their scheduled visit. There are many on the market that won’t alter a pet’s personality or make them “dopey”, so it may be worth an enquiry.

    A medium-sized dog with long fur and bright blue eyes lays on a gray tiled floor with a syringe in its mouth, looking at the vet administering the syringe.

    How Often Should I Take My Dog To The Vet?

    If you have any health concerns regarding your dog, they should be seen by a vet. The same goes for any injury they may sustain. 

    When it comes to routine care, a dog should be seen, on average, yearly for a routine check up, to make sure they’re up to date on their vaccinations and their dental health is being maintained. 

    Some vet surgeries also offer grooming services like having their nails clipped, which is essential to stay on top of when it comes to their joint health. A visit like this will depend on how fast your dog’s nails grow - you can ask your vet how often your particular dog needs to attend the vet’s for nail clipping. However, a dog groomer can usually offer this service too. 

    As dogs get older, you will find they may need to attend the vet more often. The same goes for puppies - particularly when they’re receiving their first vaccinations. 

    If you’re worried about the cost of veterinarian care and don’t have pet health insurance (which is highly recommended), check out local veterinarian schools who may be able to assist. Many run low-cost clinics for limited-income clients. There are also charities out there that can offer financial help or care.


    “8 Secrets To Stress-Free Vet Visits” Cesar’s Way, Jun 18. 2015

    “How To Prepare Your Dog For The Vet’s?” Best Behaviour Dog Training, Mar 10. 2022

    “How Often Does My Dog Need To Visit The Vet” RSPCA Pet Insurance

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