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    Best Meats For Dogs

    Best Meats For Dogs


    Estimated Read Time: 4 Minutes

    Summary: Do you know what meat is best for dogs? In this blog, we’ll take a look at the benefits of adding certain meats to your pup’s diet, and if meat is good for dogs…


    When it comes to our four-legged companions, many of us debate what diet is best for our dogs. Are they naturally carnivores, living off raw meat diets like their ancestors? Or are they like us, requiring a more omnivorous diet?

    Well, turns out our pups benefit from an omnivorous diet, with both meat and greens as important as each other. 

    You see, balance is key when it comes to your dog’s nutrition and health, and meat is a crucial part of your dog’s dietary need - as it can provide them with a myriad of health benefits; protein, vitamins, and minerals.

    Take a look below to discover what meat is best for dogs...

    What Meat Is Good For Dogs?


    Chicken is one of the most popular meats - for both humans and animals alike… But is chicken good for dogs? 

    Like a lot of other meats, chicken provides a lot of nutritional benefits without breaking the bank. This white meat is packed with protein, but, unlike beef and pork, contains less fat - which is better for your pup. 

    However, amongst the positives chicken has to offer, it does pose its threats too…

    Salmonella bacteria is very common in chicken when not cooked or prepared correctly. ALWAYS make sure you cook chicken thoroughly, until white, with no pink bits inside.


    Beef is a high-quality source of protein, rich in vitamins A, B, and D, iron, folic acid, zinc, copper, and essential fatty acids, which is why it’s such a popular meat choice amongst pet owners.

    Now although it is more expensive than chicken, it is still a great choice of meat for dogs - and they just so happen to love it!

    Beef comes in a variety of cuts, which means different costs, and some contain more fat than others. If you do want to add beef to your pet’s diet, try to find the right cut and cost that suits you and your dog best. 


    Cost-wise, pork sits somewhere in the middle between chicken and beef. It’s affordable, delicious, and another favourite for our furry friends!

    Containing around the same levels of protein as beef, pork has a lot of fat, which can put some pet parents off. However, if you’re trying to help your dog gain weight, pork could be a good option.

    A short-haired white dog with a pink and black nose is eating a large lump of cooked meat.


    Similar to chicken, turkey is a lean, low-fat, white meat. It contains high levels of protein, vitamin B, B3, B12, and iron which can all help support your dog’s overall health and wellbeing. 

    If you do decide to add turkey to your dog’s diet, always make sure your turkey is cooked through to avoid Salmonella (just like with chicken). 


    Packed with protein, vitamins, and minerals, rabbit is a lean, game meat with high biological value due to the levels of amino acids, making it a great meat to give to your pooch. It actually contains as much protein as chicken, but due to its rich fat, it’ll leave your dog drooling for more! 

    Unlike the meats mentioned above, you may have to purchase rabbit meat for dogs at a butcher's or farmers’ market as it may not always available at your local supermarket. And, due to its slightly tougher texture, you may find that your dog prefers other meats.

    Standing in rich green grass, a small gray and black Pug looks into the camera with a bone sticking out of its mouth.


    Now, when it comes to salmon, we know it’s rich in omega 3 & 6 fatty acids, but did you know it is a good source of protein, too?

    With the blend of omega-3 fatty acids and protein, salmon is a great choice of meat to give to your pooch, helping to maintain good skin & coat conditions, promote a healthy immune system and heart health, along with maintaining a normal inflammatory response.



    Found in a lot of commercial dog foods, lamb isn’t one of the most common meats pet parents add to their dog’s daily routines…

    The plus side, when it comes to lamb, is that it is a leaner meat than pork or beef, and contains more protein! It’s also lower in calories, making it a very attractive meat choice for your dog.


    Gruenberg W, “Overview of salmonellosis”, Merck Veterinary Manual, Jun 3, 2019,

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